Blue Skies Entertainment
A Creative Film & TV Company with a unique blend of development, branding and digital media distribution
Experience of Television Projects by the Producers are so numerous over the 37 years, that these are just a couple of viewing demos. The projects shown, utilized graphic packages along with production shoots to communicate the brand.
America's Treasures and the state shows like Tennessee Treasures are productions handled by Blue Skies Entertainment. Our company has an entire portfolio of television shows which can be viewed on our Television page. Blue Skies Entertainment continues to develop shows so there's always creative in the pipeline when the opportunities to place those shows arise.
Client Projects
Increased business with viable clients and award-winning cases.
Exceeded expectations with All Funds Raised in record time.
Branding drives viewership. It provides consistent messages to increase consumer awareness of that brand. It also increase interest in a brand when a theme is attached for appointment viewing.
Themes & Brands
2000 Mallory Lane Suite 130-143
Franklin, TN 37067
Film & Television
Executive Producer & Producer, Writer, Director, Creative Director
Media Production for Clients involves any and all services needed to meet the objectives of the project. It can begin with writing the script or it can begin with just the production. Many times, even creative teams or agencies utilize our skills to refine the creative for branding purposes then handle the production all the way through completion.